Your Neuro Education
Starts Here!
Whether you are a personal trainer, physiotherapist, strength coach, athletic therapist, pain relief specialist, life/mindset coach, yoga or pilates instructor, or a neuro educator......
Click Learn More to see how you can apply our neuro education with your coaching practice!
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Discover The Neuro Mentorship

Weekly Teaching & LIVE Q+A
✅ Get ALL your questions answered in real-time with your course instructors.
✅ During our weekly education calls, we facilitate a live Q&A session where you can ask questions about the current material or any previous topics that you need clarification on.

Quarterly In-Person (& Online) Live Events
✅ In Person Live Events 4x a year.
✅ Hands-on case studies and review based on each quarter's neurology education.
✅ Real-time feedback from course instructors and live participants.

Develop Your Skills to Work
In-Person or Online
✅ We prioritize the skill to learn online because teaching online is not the same as teaching in proximity.
✅ By teaching you both those skills, you're no longer limited by geographic location to who you work with, allowing a much larger population of clientele.

Marketing and Sales
✅ We provide comprehensive instruction on how to effectively communicate neurology, market neurology services, promote your business, and showcase your expertise on social media platforms.
✅ You will acquire comprehensive marketing and branding knowledge that has been neglected in the fitness education space.

Business Growth
✅ As your applied neurology grows so does your need to integrate it into your business.
✅ Twice monthly business education and integration for growth during your entire mentorship.
✅ Individualized monthly business coaching with each mentorship student.

Access to the Neuro Training Online Library
✅ Online drill library for your use as a neuro practitioner
✅ All neuro assessments online
✅ All weekly recordings online
✅ All quarterly seminars are recorded and housed online
✅ All presentation slides & handouts, including the entire Mentorship Program
✅ The entire library of neuro charts & handouts for use with your clients
Want More Info?
Register HERE for the Newsletter and get the latest practical training and recovery tools, research updates, and more!
Our privacy promise: We respect your privacy and will never sell or trade your information.

The Neuro Mentorship
Let’s be honest, the personal training educational model has not changed in 20+ years. It focuses on teaching a "below-the-neck" biomechanical model.
And now, as the post-pandemic world has continued on, the industry has moved to an online-only model of education that has become very limited.
Click on the button to see exactly how the personal training education model has CHANGED with NLN, and what you will be learning….

The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program
Are you ready to learn how to apply neurology drills to your programs and fast-track your results, designed to take your client's progress to the next level?
Imagine increasing the speed of results by up to 70% from the same drills you've been doing for years.
The Neuro Functional Strength Training Program will teach you the tools, drills, and assessments to get results and to increase the speed of efficacy of the training that you are already doing.

BIZ+ Business
Coaching Program
You have built a powerful training and coaching toolbox for great results. Now you want to build the business results to go along with it.
We understand that some people already have a foundation in neurology and they really just need help with their business. So we decided to allow the opportunity to engage with our business coaching .

The FREE Neuro Online Seminar for Post-Covid Recovery
This is the FREE teaching presentation that started it all!
Presented in 2020, this 3-hour training covers the introductory neuroscience behind Long-Covid and what to do about it!

Want to increase the speed of your Post-Covid recovery?
The Neuro Recovery Protocol is the encyclopedia of exercises and training drills for Post-Covid Recovery!
This online training program will teach you how to start your own neuro recovery at home, at your own speed. You can feel better and do something about Long-Covid NOW!

Neuro Recovery Group Coaching
If you're still struggling to overcome and fully recover from Post-Covid Syndrome (Long-Covid, Long-Haulers, etc.) then this coaching program is for you.
Each week we'll teach new drills, answer questions, and support you in your recovery.
Next Level Neuro News
Don't Wait Any Longer!
If you've been considering neurology education and want to know how it could benefit your business and help you make profound changes for your clients, or if you need details & logistics, book a discovery call and find out how this program could be the right fit for you.
Book a Discovery Call Today!
Our privacy promise: We respect your privacy and will never sell or trade your information.