Next Level Neuro News

7 Ways Training Your Brain Can Improve Your Health & Training applied neurology brain science neuro education
How does improving your brain's ability to handle stress, improve your training ability and health? 
The brain, an extraordinary and intricate organ plays a crucial role in managing our...
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Why CO2 Exhalation Breath Training Is Superior To O2 Inhalation Training applied neurology breathe training neuro education
The title may be a little too clickbait(ish) comparing CO2 Exhalation to O2 Inhalation Training, but I want to look at this from a NEURO BRAIN perspective. 
While O2 inhalation...
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Which of These 4 Pain Relieving Neuro Techniques Surprises You the Most? applied neurology neuro education personal training education
Which of These 4 Pain Relieving Neuro Techniques Surprises You the Most?
Did you know that pain is 100% of the time an OUTPUT from your BRAIN?
This means it makes perfect sense to use a...
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CO2 Breath Training: A Neuro Perspective applied neurology brain science breathe training breathing
Why has breathing become so important to the training industry over the last few years?
The truth of the matter is that current breathing training focuses on inhalation, but is that the most...
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Q+A on Applied Neurology with Training and Optimal Performance (Part 1) applied neurology brain science neuro education strength training vision training
In the realm of health and fitness, the role of the brain in shaping our physical well-being has emerged as this generation’s GO-TO health education.
No longer confined to academic circles or...
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Join our PRIVATE educational WEEKLY Newsletter applied neurology brain science case studies neuro education neuro mentorship
Expand Your Knowledge with Applied Neurology: Weekly Deep Dives

Every week, we delve into a specific topic from our Educational Mentorship program, bringing you deeper insights and practical...
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The Crucial Role of Vision in Training and Strength Building neuro education strength training vision training
Visions Roll In Strength Training
When we think about physical training and strength building, our focus often lands squarely on muscles, technique, and endurance. However, there's a vital yet...
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The Paper Cut Secret: How Body Mapping Boosts Performance & Reduces Pain applied neurology brain science neuro education pain relief personal training education
Do you know why you instinctively rub or suck on your finger when you get a paper cut? Or what do you immediately do when you burn your finger?
These actions are natural pain-reducing responses...
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Why Focus on the Vagus Nerve for Athletic Performance?
 What the Vagus Nerve Means to Your Body and Stress
Think of the vagus nerve like a thunderstorm that drenches a forest fire, extinguishing the flames across the entire area, unlike a...
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Unlocking Peak Strength Performance In The Deadlift - How Neuro Stacking Enhances Strength Training neurology personal training education
At Next Level Neuro, we understand that neuro training can sometimes look unconventional, even amusing. But if it delivers results, who’s to argue with success?
In our latest video, we...
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Join Our Next Level Neuro Educational Newsletter applied neurology brain science neuro education neurology pain relief
We've taken another step to support the next generation of coaches by providing even more valuable information. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter to access in-depth applied neurology...
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Do you have chronic pain you can’t relieve? Read This.
Understanding and Addressing Recurring Pain: The Brain First Approach
Pain is an experience that affects us all at some point. For those in coaching, personal training and therapeutic...
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The Top 4 Reasons You're Missing Out by Not Adding Neuro to Your Training
In the realm of athletic performance and pain relief, traditional Bio-mechanical training methods have long dominated the field of fitness and therapy. 
By focusing solely on the...
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The Skinny on Cranial Nerves neuro education neuro mentorship personal training education vision training
Wait? We have nerves in our cranium that impact our pain and performance throughout our body.
This was a huge lightbulb for our new mentorship students when we introduced the cranial
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Voted On By Students - The Top 5 Reasons Why Neuro Has Change Their Business neuro education neuro mentorship personal training education
 As a coach, personal trainer, or therapist emerging from the challenges of COVID-19, are you seeking an educational edge that not only elevates you above your peers but also integrates...
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6 Reasons For Adding Vision Training to Your Training Routine applied neurology fitness education neuro mentorship vision training
The brain devotes more than 50% of its processing capacity to visual input. This high level of detail and the brain's extensive processing power dedicated to vision make it our primary tool...
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How Do I Know Which Area of the Brain to Train? applied neurology brain science personal training education
If I were a personal trainer, coach, or therapist looking into Applied Neurology and how it can impact my coaching, a question we get daily on our information calls is the title of this article:...
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Understanding How The Brain Interprets Stress and Its Importance - The Threat Bucket brain science neuro mentorship pain relief
How many times have you told a client or been told; “You need to decrease your stress.”
Of course, we do. We all do.  It’s no secret we all could use a little more of...
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Avoid These 2 Common Mistakes When Considering An Applied Neurology Education applied neurology brain science personal training education posture training
Are you considering taking an applied neurology course, but are unsure if it is for you and/or do not know where to start?
With the success that our current students have in their...
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What is Applied Neurology? neuro mentorship neurology personal training education
Applied Neurology: Enhancing Your Brain's and Body's Potential
Imagine exercising not just your muscles, but your brain itself. That's the essence of applied neurology or neurotraining. It...
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What Is The Number one Googled Pain, Next to Back Pain? brain science neuro education neuro mentorship pain relief
Yes, it's headaches.
When you experience a headache, do you believe it's your brain that's in pain?
It's not uncommon to experience stress-induced headaches, especially during moments...
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The Top 4 Ways Your Vision Improves Your Health applied neurology brain science neuro education neuro mentorship vision training
Did you know your eyes are responsible for 80% of how you take in the world? This means they are the first contact in how our brains perceive threats.
The eyes are remarkable sensory organs,...
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Andrew Huberman's Neuroscientific Revolution Is Changing the Traditional Biomechanical Approach to Health and Fitness applied neurology brain science neuro education neuro mentorship
The impact of Huberman is swiftly reshaping health and fitness education for clients globally. Few clients invested in their health fail to raise questions about topics Huberman has addressed on...
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The Loss Of Live Mentors In Health and Fitness Education applied neurology neuro education neuro mentorship
As a coach, personal trainer therapist, or health practitioner, are you relying solely on online courses as the key to your continuing education? 
There is an ease to online education,...
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