Next Level Neuro News

Join our PRIVATE educational WEEKLY Newsletter applied neurology brain science case studies neuro education neuro mentorship
Expand Your Knowledge with Applied Neurology: Weekly Deep Dives

Every week, we delve into a specific topic from our Educational Mentorship program, bringing you deeper insights and practical...
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3 Things We Discover When Assessing the Nervous System and Brain case studies fitness education neuro mentorship posture training
(*In the video below, we utilize an assessment involving perturbation to evaluate the nervous system and brain. This allows us to determine how the brain is functioning and make informed decisions...
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The Posture-Brain Connection: A Deep Dive Education brain science case studies neuro education pain relief posture training
Have you ever pondered the intricate relationship between posture and brain function?
It's a question that often leaves us contemplating: which influences the other—posture or brain...
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Solving The Headache: A Comprehensive Neuro Guide case studies neuro education neurology pain relief
Have you ever woken up with an excruciating headache, seemingly out of nowhere?


Perhaps it lingered throughout the day, interfering with your ability to concentrate or enjoy your usual...
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The Top 5 Common Health Challenges Where Neural Training Thrives case studies neuro education pain relief personal training education posture training
What if becoming a coach with an educational expertise in applied neurology  or Therapist opened you up to a whole New World of clients and patience that you will have the tools to help get...
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The common source of frustration among coaches and healthcare professionals case studies fitness education neuro education neuro mentorship
Here is a glimpse into the essence of what sets Next Level Neuro apart.
What is the most common source of frustration among coaches, trainers, healthcare providers, and doctors in this modern era...
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Recap: The Applied Neurology Workshop - You don't want to miss the replay! case studies fitness education neuro education posture training
Have you wanted a few things in applied neurology that will change the very way you train your clients?  Have you been looking for new ways to train posture that are sustainable and understand...
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FREE CASE STUDY SERIES: Curious about how you integrate Applied Neurology & Training? case studies long covid neuro education
Curious about how you integrate Applied Neurology & Training?  
Next Level Neuro's ♦♦ 2024's LIMITED - 4 PART - CASE STUDY SERIES —> FREE!
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Case Study: 3x Ms. Fitness Olympia Champion case studies neuro education


If you missed our scoliosis surgery exploration last Friday, be sure to catch the replay—it's generating quite the buzz. Today, we pivot to the world of professional athletes,...
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Case Study: Neurology & Chronic Pain case studies neuro mentorship neurology
Do you have clients that live day to day grappling with chronic pain and it is hurting their quality of life?   Listen to this case study as we dive into Torrin's case and maybe you will...
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Case Study: A Neurological Approach to Chronic Joint Pain brain science case studies neuro education neuro mentorship
Have you or do you have clients who experience such debilitating joint pain that their only remedy may be a joint replacement?  Listen to this case study and you may have found an...
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Case Study: Human Resiliency & Navigating the Complexity of Health case studies neuro education
When clients receive and are hit with multiple health conditions at once, most coaches lose their clients. 
This case study is a PRIME example of how applied neurology and neuro tools...
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A Chiropractorā€™s View: The Power of Applied Neurology in Pain Management case studies neuro mentorship pain relief
In the fast-paced world of healthcare, Ben, a Chiropractor, brings newfound hope to those seeking innovative approaches to pain management. With an unwavering commitment to uncovering the...
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Case Study: Trauma and Nervous System Regulation case studies neuro education


Have you or a loved one faced a traumatic event? Discover how the nervous system plays a crucial role in the healing process in our case study.
In today's fast-paced world,...
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Case Study: From Pain To Performance case studies neuro education pain relief
Dance is a form of self-expression that requires not only skill and talent but also a strong connection between mind and body. It's a world where every movement tells a story, and dancers...
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Case Study: Reconnecting Brain and Body: Jen's Long COVID Recovery Journey case studies long covid neuro education
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the world in unprecedented ways, leaving a lasting impact on countless lives. Beyond the acute infection, many individuals have grappled with a...
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Neurology Business Case Study: How Yonnick Combined Neurology and Business to Thrive case studies neuro education neuro mentorship
This is why we combine business coaching into our neurology education mentorship. 
In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, there are individuals who stand out, not just...
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Case Study: Olympic Skier Eddie Theriault case studies
Explore an extraordinary case study by our Mentorship Alum, Scott Livingston, showcasing the transformative impact of applied neurology on an already thriving business and coaching practice.
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Unleash Your Full Potential: The Power of Applied Neurology & Increasing Joint Range case studies neuro education neuro mentorship
In our fast-paced world, it's common to experience discomfort or hit a performance plateau, whether it's in your personal or professional life. If you're searching for the key to your next level of...
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Unlock Your Potential Through A Neurological Lens: A Conversation w/ Founder Kathy Mauck case studies neuro education personal training education posture training
Do you find yourself bouncing from one fitness education to another, searching for the secret to sustained success? 
There were some profound insights from Kathy that I think everyone...
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Uncovering the Athlete's Path from Pain to Peak Performance: A Neuro Case Study w/Training case studies
Are you ready to witness the remarkable transformation of athletes as they shift from pain to peak performance? Join us for an exclusive glimpse into the world of neuro training with an Olympic...
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