Next Level Neuro News

What is Applied Neurology? applied neurology fundamentals of neurology neuro coach

You’ve stretched, strengthened, foam-rolled, corrected posture, and done everything the traditional biomechanical playbook suggests. Yet, something isn’t clicking. Your clients are...

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What is a Neuro Coach? applied neurology fundamentals of neurology neuro coach neuro education

Have you heard about health professionals incorporating neuroscience and applied neurology into their practice? Have you been wondering what a Neuro Coach does and how this approach can be...

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The Neurology Of Fidgeting and an Overactive Nervous System applied neurology neuro education neurology neuroscience
Have you always thought fidgeting was wasting time or something other people do that drives you crazy? Think again.
Those restless legs, tapping fingers, or spinning pens might just be your...
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Escaping the Biohacking Trap: Why Working WITH Your Nervous System Matters applied neurology neuro education neuroscience
Is biohacking really giving you control over your health—or just distracting you from deeper fears? I’ve wrestled with this question more times than I can count. After years of...
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Understanding Accelerated Brain Aging and Applied Neurology Solutions applied neurology brain science neuro education neuro mentorship
Can you imagine living in a world where mental decline wasn’t a foregone conclusion? What if we told you that the brain has the power to stay sharp and resilient well into your later years?...
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Whatā€™s the Healthiest Sport for Your Brain? applied neurology brain science neuro mentorship neuroscience

What’s the Healthiest Sport for Your Brain?

Have you ever wondered which sport could extend your life and boost your brain health?
Ask a dozen fitness professionals, and you’ll...
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The Neurology of Blood Flow Restricted Training applied neurology brain science neuro education neuroscience strength neurology
What if you could achieve better results with less strain on the body—while engaging the brain to adapt at a higher level?


Blood flow restricted (BFR) training is not just a fitness...
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The Surprising Truth About Neuroplasticity in Aging Populations applied neurology neuro mentorship neuroscience
A common question we get daily in our mentorship group:   Is it too late to change the brain once we’re past a certain age?
The short answer is no, and that change happens as fast...
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7 Reasons Why Health Coaches Should Learn To Train the Brainstem applied neurology neuro education posture training
Have you ever wondered why some clients struggle with posture, coordination, or recovery, despite following a solid training program, no matter the education of the programer given?
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The Key to Movement: What Directs Muscles and Joints? applied neurology brain science neuro education neuro mentorship
Ignoring this essential area means addressing symptoms, not solutions.


The Most Overlooked Key to Health: The Brainstem’s Role in Posture, Pain, and Recovery

In the world of health and...
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The Brainstemā€™s Impact on Training, Posture and Recovery applied neurology neuro mentorship
While most health professionals focus on muscles, joints, and posture, they often overlook the real command center of it all: the brainstem.
In the world of training, physical therapy, and...
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Proprioception: Your Brains Internal GPS System applied neurology neuro mentorship neurology neuroscience
What is Proprioception? The Hidden Sense That Guides Your Movements
Vision. Hearing. Smell. Taste. Touch. And then there's proprioception. Wait, what's that? It’s the uncelebrated...
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The 8th Sense: Understanding Interoception applied neurology neuro education neuro mentorship
So many new students struggle to understand interoception and its importance. So, I'm going to give you my little life lessons on interoception and how I have tuned into our 8th sense.
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3 Key Reasons Why Applied Neurology is the Next Big Leap for High Achievers in Health and Coaching applied neurology neuro education neuro mentorship
In a fast-paced world that demands constant adaptation and performance, there’s a new education that high achievers of the health and coaching world are...
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Brain Fertilizer 101: How Fitness Fuels Neuronal Growth and Plasticity applied neurology brain science dopamine detox neuro mentorship personal training education
At Next Level Neuro, we believe in empowering people with insights from applied neurology. One of the most exciting revelations in neuroscience is how regular physical activity does more than...
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Why All Health Professionals Should Embrace Neurology applied neurology brain science neuro mentorship neurology
How much more effective could your treatments be if you understood how the brain directly influences movement, pain, and recovery?
The healthcare landscape is undergoing an education shift,...
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Why All Health Pros Should Know Applied Neurology applied neurology brain science neuroscience


At Next Level Neuro (NLN), we’re on a mission to bring the paradigm-shifting, life- and business-changing knowledge of applied neurology to every health professional.
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Neuro Drills For Dopamine Detox applied neurology dopamine detox neuroscience
Daily applied neuro drills should be at the forefront of any health plan, especially when discussing blood flow and dopamine detox, as they are important.
HINT: Do these drills every time you feel...
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Where Does Pain Live In The Brain? Understanding How Pain Shows Up in the Brain applied neurology brain science neuro mentorship neuroscience
Where does pain live in the brain? How do we even know we have pain? Can the brain distinguish what type of pain I'm feeling?


It’s a question that we have taken for granted because we...
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Dopamine Detox 101: The Basics You Need to Know! applied neurology dopamine detox neuro mentorship neuroscience
Ever wondered how your brain processes both pleasure and pain? 
What’s the science behind a successful dopamine detox?
In today’s world, we’re constantly bombarded...
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Understanding "Threat" and Its Role in Brain Health applied neurology brain science neuro mentorship neuroscience performance
At one point you have been told you need to decrease your stress.  What does that mean and how do we look at is from a neuro perspective?   In our mentorship we look at it as...
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How Long COVID Impacts the Brain and Body: A Neurological Perspective applied neurology long covid neuro mentorship neuroscience
What happens when the brain’s threat perception is heightened, like with Long COVID?
In today’s world, the effects of Long COVID have left many grappling with lingering physical...
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What Is Applied Neurology? applied neurology brain science neuroscience
Neurology and Applied Neurology are fast tracking in the training and health education world.  Have you been wondering what applied neurology is and what it means? 
Here is a...
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The Future of Fitness: Beyond the Physical, Into the Neurological applied neurology neuro education neurology neuroscience
 When was the last time fitness and health education went through a major educational transition?  I’m still thinking it was the functional movement, which ended the era of...
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