Next Level Neuro News

Q+A on Applied Neurology with Training and Optimal Performance (Part 1) applied neurology brain science neuro education strength training vision training
In the realm of health and fitness, the role of the brain in shaping our physical well-being has emerged as this generation’s GO-TO health education.
No longer confined to academic circles or...
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The Crucial Role of Vision in Training and Strength Building neuro education strength training vision training
Visions Roll In Strength Training
When we think about physical training and strength building, our focus often lands squarely on muscles, technique, and endurance. However, there's a vital yet...
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The Skinny on Cranial Nerves neuro education neuro mentorship personal training education vision training
Wait? We have nerves in our cranium that impact our pain and performance throughout our body.
This was a huge lightbulb for our new mentorship students when we introduced the cranial
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6 Reasons For Adding Vision Training to Your Training Routine applied neurology fitness education neuro mentorship vision training
The brain devotes more than 50% of its processing capacity to visual input. This high level of detail and the brain's extensive processing power dedicated to vision make it our primary tool...
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The Top 4 Ways Your Vision Improves Your Health applied neurology brain science neuro education neuro mentorship vision training
Did you know your eyes are responsible for 80% of how you take in the world? This means they are the first contact in how our brains perceive threats.
The eyes are remarkable sensory organs,...
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The Top 5 Benefits of Vision Training and Its Synergy with Personal Training fitness education neuro education vision training
 Why Vision Training is the Essential Companion to Your Fitness Regime
In today's dynamic world of fitness, we've recognized the paramount importance of strength, flexibility,...
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