Next Level Neuro News

How Long COVID Impacts the Brain and Body: A Neurological Perspective applied neurology long covid neuro mentorship neuroscience
What happens when the brain’s threat perception is heightened, like with Long COVID?
In today’s world, the effects of Long COVID have left many grappling with lingering physical...
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What Is Applied Neurology? applied neurology brain science neuroscience
Neurology and Applied Neurology are fast tracking in the training and health education world.  Have you been wondering what applied neurology is and what it means? 
Here is a...
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The Future of Fitness: Beyond the Physical, Into the Neurological applied neurology neuro education neurology neuroscience
 When was the last time fitness and health education went through a major educational transition?  I’m still thinking it was the functional movement, which ended the era of...
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Is Foam Rolling Healthy? A Neuro Perspective applied neurology brain science fitness education neuroscience performance
Foam rolling has been a staple in gyms for years now and you can't go to a weekend seminar without someone coming up with a new type of foam roller.   But WHAT IF all that rolling has a...
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