Next Level Neuro News

Are You Really Strong Enough To Pick Up A Car Under Stress? Neurology May Have The Answer neuro education neuro mentorship
In the dynamic world of kettlebells, Pavel, a worldwide leader in the kettlebell movement, once asserted, "You're all strong enough to pick up a car; you just don't know how. Right?"
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Unveiling the Blueprint for Our Long Covid Recovery Program long covid neuro education neuro mentorship
In the ever-shifting landscape of post-Covid recovery, our program emerges as a guide and a proven system for you to engage for the rest of your life.  As you navigate the labyrinth of long...
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How fast does your brain change? brain science neuro education personal training education
Why does this statement put neurology and neuroeducation at the forefront of your client's training? 
...because the brain changes as fast as you snap your fingers.  This is...
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Are You Struggling With The Lingering Effects of Long-COVID? long covid neuro education
There’s a new strategy in town for Long-Covid Recovery!
75% of people experiencing COVID symptoms are still grappling with the aftermath, with an estimated 60% of those who...
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Neurology Education: The Starbucks of Fitness Evolution neuro education personal training education
 Brewing Brain-Savvy Brain Health and Fitness à la Starbucks
As the fitness landscape undergoes a new evolutionary shift, mirroring the dynamic changes in our daily lives,...
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How To Deal With Pain From A Brain FIRST Perspective brain science neuro education
Do you find yourself frustrated and at a loss when clients walk in with pain and you can’t help them?
The conventional approach in the fitness industry often involves addressing pain...
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Brain Before Brawn: The Bold Frontier of Next-Level Health with Front-Line Coaches brain science neuro education neuro mentorship
For the first time in the history of our world, coaches are not just taking care of the physical aspect of our people, they are vested in improving our brain health.
To our Frontline...
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Case Study: 3x Ms. Fitness Olympia Champion case studies neuro education


If you missed our scoliosis surgery exploration last Friday, be sure to catch the replay—it's generating quite the buzz. Today, we pivot to the world of professional athletes,...
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10 Reasons WHY Personal Trainers Embrace Neurology for Optimal Fitness brain science fitness education neuro education
The landscape of health has been evolving for years, and personal trainers and coaches find themselves at the forefront of this ever-changing field. These frontline professionals, who have been...
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Case Study: Neurology & Chronic Pain case studies neuro mentorship neurology
Do you have clients that live day to day grappling with chronic pain and it is hurting their quality of life?   Listen to this case study as we dive into Torrin's case and maybe you will...
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Case Study: A Neurological Approach to Chronic Joint Pain brain science case studies neuro education neuro mentorship
Have you or do you have clients who experience such debilitating joint pain that their only remedy may be a joint replacement?  Listen to this case study and you may have found an...
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Unveiling the Top 6-10 Reasons Behind the Surge of Neuro Educational Training neuro education neuro mentorship
Climbing the ladder of success in the world of fitness coaching requires staying at the forefront of innovation and embracing methods that truly make a difference. In the first part of our blog, we...
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Understanding the Vital Distinction Between Biomechanical and Neurological Training: The Top 5 Differences brain science neuro education neuro mentorship
Confused if a neurological education will enhance your training? Here are the 5 distinct differences that distinguish neurological from biomechanical training, each offering unique benefits for...
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Neurology Education and Mindset: A Dynamic Duo for Client Success brain science fitness education mindset
Do you work with clients who oscillate between wholehearted commitment and disengagement daily? Spend just 60 seconds with us, and we'll clarify how coaching neurology reduces your clients' brain...
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The 7 Fundamental Reasons to Embrace Brain-Based Education With Training fitness education neuro education neuro mentorship
Do you often find yourself caught in a cycle where clients seek your expertise to lose weight and get fit, but their journey takes a detour due to injuries? It's a dilemma that many trainers and...
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WHO Benefits from a Neurological Approach to Training? neuro education personal training education
 Are you, whether you're a personal trainer or a coach, feeling frustrated that your clients' chronic pain problems either never go away, or always come back?
Which frustrates you, but...
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Change Your Brain, Change Your Life: The Power of Repetition brain science fitness education neuro education
 The brain is a dynamic organ capable of rapid change. Now, picture yourself wielding the power to rewire and transform your brain at any age, all starting with a simple principle.
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Why Personal Trainers Should Add Neurology To Their Training Sessions fitness education neuro education neuro mentorship personal training education
Are you, whether you're a personal trainer or a coach, experiencing frustration because your clients' chronic pain problems persist or keep returning? Does this frustration mirror the challenges...
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Case Study: Human Resiliency & Navigating the Complexity of Health case studies neuro education
When clients receive and are hit with multiple health conditions at once, most coaches lose their clients. 
This case study is a PRIME example of how applied neurology and neuro tools...
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A Chiropractorā€™s View: The Power of Applied Neurology in Pain Management case studies neuro mentorship pain relief
In the fast-paced world of healthcare, Ben, a Chiropractor, brings newfound hope to those seeking innovative approaches to pain management. With an unwavering commitment to uncovering the...
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Case Study: Trauma and Nervous System Regulation case studies neuro education


Have you or a loved one faced a traumatic event? Discover how the nervous system plays a crucial role in the healing process in our case study.
In today's fast-paced world,...
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Case Study: From Pain To Performance case studies neuro education pain relief
Dance is a form of self-expression that requires not only skill and talent but also a strong connection between mind and body. It's a world where every movement tells a story, and dancers...
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Case Study: Reconnecting Brain and Body: Jen's Long COVID Recovery Journey case studies long covid neuro education
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the world in unprecedented ways, leaving a lasting impact on countless lives. Beyond the acute infection, many individuals have grappled with a...
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